Ride the waves

11:58 Suzan Marie H.S 0 Comments

Good morning from me!

We all have the ability to create a new atmosphere in our life.

A few days ago I was on a boat, and it was rocking pretty hard in the water that made me feel sick! The waves were huge and we were being tossed left and right. I told the captain to go as slow as possible because I was ready to throw up! So he did... He listened to me.. The slower he went the sicker I felt. The rocking feeling was more and more intense.... Then I was just so tired of it, and I thought, the faster I get to shore the better! To my surprise, by going faster the sickness I felt was less!

I couldn't help but wonder how this represents sometimes how we manage things in our life... Sometimes we dwell over things, or let things ponder in our mind again and again, slowly slowly to see every little detail. This kind of thinking is bound to make us sick! When we choose to focus and stay in a negative thinking mentality, or play again and again the tape of a bad moment we experienced our ship will not only make all passenger sick, but your ship will end up sinking, and passengers will drown in a Yukky mindset!

We don't want that, do we? 

So it is in our hands, to set the correct atmosphere we want to be in..
Floating over negative experiences, and choosing not to analyse it and replay the tape in your mind has massive power!
And you own that power and the ability to do so!
So don't let any waves scare you or even worse make you sick and sink your ship!

Float and fly above those waves as fast as you can! 

You will reach the shore of abundant peace and happiness.

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