Believe in rainbows

13:07 Suzan Marie H.S 0 Comments

I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.
Genesis 9:13

It is hard to learn to in your instinct, trust in something bigger something higher than in abilities when flaws shine brighter, look beyond the horizon especially when everything looks foggy..but, that's the thing about is not made to look with your physical eyes, and it is not to be depended on your daily circumstances, it is so much more...

It is there were the desire to grow is hidden it is the anchor that holds your hope high, it is a rainbow you let your dreams float on, when all say rainbows have see colours,you see a way....

After the rain rainbows appear you know...

And that is all about in the rain, faith in the storm, faith when nothing is going well, that yes, something bigger and more glorious is working on my behalf! Something or someone that is always faithful, I believe I am not running this race alone, and I believe in rainbows, even when there is a storm and rain... Don't look at the rain... See your reflection in a puddle and remember who you are...remember your hope and your inner desire..

There is a plan, a plan for everyone, that is so unique and so beautifully created based on your abilities,and those wonderful characteristics and traits that make you, You..! A plan you dare to dream and wish, a plan that is born through faith.. The best is yet to it out, speak it and proclaim it in your life...especially in the rain..and yes, believe in rainbows! How we must remember to always believe in rainbows....

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