Why I have an Addiction?

11:40 Suzan Marie H.S 0 Comments

I have an addiction,

A craving to draw near to Him.
I have an internal need to seek my Creator, the one who I know loves me dearly.
I didn't always recognize this need..
I would mistaken it with the need to fill up a gap inside of me with other worldly things that never managed to actually please me.

Until I came to my breaking point.
When I realized nothing fulfills me.
And there must be something bigger...

That's when you realize you are an addict.
An addict searching for love, hope.. and achor your soul can lean on and rely on.
Something beyond yourself.

That's how my journey of Faith started.
In my brokenness..

And your journey starts right there too.
What are you lacking?
What are you searching for...
only He has it.. because worldly junk doesn't actually fill the soul.. whether it's money, fame, wealth, passion..
Nothing can truly fill the inside..

As a broken vase of clay, He shed His light from the inside out, pouring His amazing love.

Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think, according to the power at work within us.
Ephesians 3:20

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