Mummy on a mission! 😄

11:31 Suzan Marie H.S 0 Comments

#yummy #vegetarian_pescatarian

Who says you need to eat meat?

Ok, so I am trying to get myself back in shape! Me and every mum?!

Mummy duty is hard, and can easily throw you off the wagon and wayyyy off healthy eating 😄🤣
Yeap, I do reach in the fridge and eat whatever, an can easily snack on a pickle and a biscuit if that is the first thing in sight as I am running to attend the twins!!

Mums know what I am talking about!

But in fact, after babies there is a period were I think us ladies wonder off and isolate ourselves in the mum zone.

Anyone in this zone with me?

The only thing that defines us, is our momma duties and we forget to be a wife, a woman, or just be me... it is a hard place, a place we identify as necessary for the sake of our kids, but unnecessary to this extend for our sanity..

So I am all for it to sort myself out again, in all the chaos of motherhood that surrounds me :)🙂 chaos is good! It makes you learn to chill!

Thank God for chaos, for the time we reach our end, only to see where is best to go next.

So, there is room for improvement.
And I want to learn to shed bad habits, which in my case is naughty eating.

For the past 2 years me and hubby have stopped eating meat, and we loveee ❤❤️ some of the yummy vegetarian/ pescatarian alternatives.

So check the intro pic of something yummy and healthy.


Try it out for yourself!


Nutty Leftover Rice:

  • Rice
  • Kidney beans
  • Dill
  • Smoked salmon chopped up
  • 1/3 of Rio mare canned tuna ready mixed with onions
  • Sunflower seeds (kernels)
  • Pignoli nuts
  • Raisins

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