
09:01 Suzan Marie H.S 0 Comments

All who declare that Jesus is the Son of God have God living in them, and they live in God.1 John 4:15

💮Isn't that a wonderful promise!💮🌺

He is so close to us He lives within us, and our life is one with Him. He is our protector and our provider and we have a river of faith flowing through us! Nothing is out of His control! He sees it all! The good the bad and the ugly. And he knows what's going on and has a great plan to turn life around for you.

🌟What a miraculous thing to know that the power of the Almighty God is in you and with You. What a testimony life can be if we just learn to focus on that and remember who lives in us.🌟🌟

Living in us means He is alive and able to move in our life! Able to change situations, able to bless you.

The thing is.. In the same way somedays we choose sadness over happiness, or fear instead of faith, in the same way we choose if MY THOUGHTS, or if HIS THOUGHTS will live through me.

If MY FEARS or if HIS TRUTH will live in me.

If MY UNDERSTANDING or HIS PROMISES will sustain me. This is a fact!

Taste and see that the Lord is Good!Psalm 34:8

You need GET TO KNOW who lives within you, so you can recognize Him work in you and through you. In that way you will know what to focus on and you will surely empty your body from any unhealthy, unhelpful and unnecessary ideas. None of us want to be fearful, depressed, unhealthy, burdened, guilty, condemned unforgiving...

We want to choose to fill ourselves with faith, happiness, joy, health, freedom, forgiveness, openness, love 

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