Strongholds NO MORE

09:30 Suzan Marie H.S 0 Comments

I will give you My power to destroy spiritual strongholds.
2 Corinthians 10:3-5

You have His power to destroy spiritual strongholds.

What is a stronghold?The dictionary says:

It's a place where a particular cause or belief is strongly defended or upheld.

So, in our spirit self, there are particular causes or beliefs that are are unhealthy, and are causing us to suffer.
Strongholds produce bad fruit. For instance, a stronghold can produce fear of death,fear of illness, worry about life, depression,bitterness, guilt, addiction .

These are the fruit of strongholds, and there are some really rotten fruit!

What is the seed that was planted that produced this fruit?
God's word is the truth, and anything that produces feelings, thoughts and causes like that is not from God. Thus, it is a lie.

So what lie was planted in your heart that caused this stronghold?
Remember, a stronghold is not just a random thought, but a consistently nagging idea or cause that affects you negatively.

You have His power to destroy such strongholds! They have no place in your life according to God, and with Him and His truth you can be free. Knowing the truth is so important for us to learn to plant it in our spiritual self . You can't live in fear.. You can be free. ☺xx

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